Jennie Dautermann
We got several enthusiastic volunteers in June who will be will making plans together over lunch at the July meeting. At that meeting, we’ll also be demonstrating items for the August workshop which will be a Ramble party where we make items, make kits, and discuss ways to make our Ramble shine November 7- 9, this year.
Here are things we are already finding out we need. I know firsthand how generous our members are so I expect great things in response to this list:
Jennie Dautermann
We got several enthusiastic volunteers in June who will be will making plans together over lunch at the July meeting. At that meeting, we’ll also be demonstrating items for the August workshop which will be a Ramble party where we make items, make kits, and discuss ways to make our Ramble shine November 7- 9, this year.
Here are things we are already finding out we need. I know firsthand how generous our members are so I expect great things in response to this list:
- 3 Ramble chair-for-a- day people
- Volunteers to help staff the booth on at least one day
- People to help at the August workshop ( bring your sewing machine or cutting supplies and assembling kits)
- Ideas for sale items with patterns and pictures (email me)
- Donated quilting fabrics for the August workshop
- Short zippers for humbug bags
Ocean Waves had another great year participating in the "Ramble" at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Gardens, located in Coral Gables. Despite rains on Saturday, the three-day event successful in promoting our Guild membership and selling many items to visitors. Thank you to every member who worked a shift at the Ramble, and those members who created and donated many, many wonderful items, as well as the members' sales items with 25% going to benefit the Guild.
Our treasured members Mary Ann Erickson and Jennie Dautermann worked tirelessly, organizing workshops to make sales items, scheduling volunteers during the three day event, transporting the abundant inventory, preparing the site, packing up each night, managing sales funds, greeting every visitor, promoting Ocean Waves, demonstrating quilt tying, mopping a mudslide in the booth Sunday morning, and being responsible for everything!
Our treasured members Mary Ann Erickson and Jennie Dautermann worked tirelessly, organizing workshops to make sales items, scheduling volunteers during the three day event, transporting the abundant inventory, preparing the site, packing up each night, managing sales funds, greeting every visitor, promoting Ocean Waves, demonstrating quilt tying, mopping a mudslide in the booth Sunday morning, and being responsible for everything!
Ocean Waves had another great year participating in the "Ramble" at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Gardens, located in Coral Gables. Despite rain on Saturday, the three-day event was successful in promoting our Guild membership and selling many items to visitors. Thank you to every member who worked a shift at the Ramble, and those members who created and donated many, many wonderful items, as well as the members' sales items with 25% going to benefit the Guild.
Our treasured members Mary Ann Erickson and Jennie Dautermann worked tirelessly, organizing workshops to make sales items, scheduling volunteers during the three day event, transporting the abundant inventory, preparing the site, packing up each night, managing sales funds, greeting every visitor, promoting Ocean Waves, demonstrating quilt tying, mopping a mudslide in the booth Sunday morning, and being responsible for everything! - April Atlas |
Tired but excited about our work, we packed up our gear and remaining stock Sunday evening and celebrated a terrific Ramble weekend (even despite Saturday night’s rain). We grossed over $2000 in sales and had great volunteer support from Guild members who donated items and came out to help. We sold all the potholders and bags, lots of mini quilts and some lovely big quilts. Many people stopped to talk about quilting over the small demo quilts we worked on each day, and several people asked for more information about the guild. Thanks especially to Alan Ericson who is the world’s best festival cashier ever. And to MaryAnn, who can sell nearly anything!
Cathy Viar and Mary Ann are currently working out the net profit for the guild and the amounts for member’s individual sales. April Atlas and I have hotographed and catalogued the remaining donated materials that Deda Maldonado will use to design a pilot for a possible online shop. Stay tuned for developments on the online plan when Jennie’s back from New Zealand after the first of the year. - Jennie Dautermann |